Our Designers | Menabòh

    Start your upcycling

    • 1

      Choose a Designer

      Select the designer that reflects your style, and the type of work you intend to do on the garment

    • 2

      Fill in the form

      Answer a few questions and upload a pic of the garment you want to transform.

    • 3

      Accept the proposal

      Within 3 days, you'll receive a sketch proposal from the designer based on your budget.

    • 4

      Wear your garment

      Make the payment, pack the parcel and bring it to the nearest collection point. When the item is ready, you will receive it renewed!

      Start your upcycling


      Choose a Designer

      Select the designer that reflects your style, and the type of work you intend to do on the garment


      Fill in the form

      Answer a few questions and upload a pic of the garment you want to transform.


      Accept the proposal

      Within 3 days, you'll receive a sketch proposal from the designer based on your budget.


      Wear your garment

      Make the payment, pack the parcel and bring it to the nearest collection point. When the item is ready, you will receive it renewed!

      Our designers

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      Unsubscribe at any time.
      See our Privacy Policy for more details.

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