Jacket 2 for Rosamaria - Menaboh

Jacket 2 for Rosamaria

120,00 â‚¬

Masculine jacket with an oversize silhouette made feminine by adding doilies and sangallo lace, recreating a patchwork effect. The
sketch demonstrates the workmanship and the overall effect; a medium-sized patch will be applied to the back of the blazer to give a sense of continuity. Doilies and lace will be similar to the design, but not the same.

1 in stock



Masculine jacket with an oversize silhouette made feminine by adding doilies and sangallo lace, recreating a patchwork effect. The
sketch demonstrates the workmanship and the overall effect; a medium-sized patch will be applied to the back of the blazer to give a sense of continuity. Doilies and lace will be similar to the design, but not the same.

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