Jumper for Francesca Proposal#1 - Menaboh

Jumper for Francesca Proposal#1

58,00 â‚¬

Sporty-chic' interpretation for a modern, dynamic yet still elegant and sophisticated look.

The lacing is removed and the front closed, while an elastic knit border is added at the bottom and sleeves to create cuffs. The existing borders are enriched with gold brush strokes and the weft patterns are emphasised by picking up the pattern in some places. In addition, squares are transformed into gold highlights by the application of metallic effect studs.



Sporty-chic' interpretation for a modern, dynamic yet still elegant and sophisticated look.

The lacing is removed and the front closed, while an elastic knit border is added at the bottom and sleeves to create cuffs. The existing borders are enriched with gold brush strokes and the weft patterns are emphasised by picking up the pattern in some places. In addition, squares are transformed into gold highlights by the application of metallic effect studs.

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