Typeform - Menaboh
Service request

Which item would you like to modify or repair? You can even combine more than one!

The more details you provide, the easier it will be for the designer to construct a proposal that fits the type of garment.


When selecting your maximum budget, take into account the price ranges indicated by the designer for his services.
For the heads of special materialssuch as leather or fur, remember that they will always require a budget of at least 90€.

Tell us about yourself...

All the information you enter will help our Designer to create your customised design.

In questa sezione, carica le foto del capo! 
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We are almost done...

Thank you for taking part in our questionnaire, enter your data and press the "Send" button. You will receive an e-mail with all the necessary instructions and will be contacted by one of our Designers as soon as possible.

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